Sunshine Granola
I eat granola almost everyday. How else can I live up to my crunchy persona? Not only do I make my own granola, but I make my own ghee that goes into my own granola. Yes, I am THAT extra. This recipe changes based on the season/my mood/what I need to get rid of, but I am going to give you the original recipe and note where I (often) make changes. Sunshine granola was created to add some light to the dark wintery mornings. The color comes largely from turmeric, and the zippy flavor is mostly the citrus/ginger combination.
I also REALLY have to emphasize that this tastes best with Benedikt Dairy yogurt. Benedikt Dairy is a small farm in Goffstown, NH that sells grass-fed meat/dairy along with a bunch of other organic & local produce (which they either grow themselves or pull from other farms). I have a deep love for this yogurt and its tangy flavor. If you are looking to go on an adventure I HIGHLY recommend checking them out, plus they have the cutest baby cows when you walk inside.
I mean COME ON 😍
Which brings me to a topic that I am very passionate about, but do not typically get to gush over without noticing distant glazed over eyes, that are lost in a field full of butterflies (or some other typical daydream)...FARMS!! Alrighty now I spent some time (3 months) in Italy and was amazed at how the farms were supported in their culture. Instead of the farmer dragging their products to 20 different locations hoping to sell, people from the cities actually visited the farms consistently. Weekend trips to the country were considered a beautiful break from the overstimulating city center.
The Italian shepherd life.
I have done my fair share of farm work. I have left parts of my soul in the ground in exchange for the nourishment I take out. Farm work is hard work; it forces you to ignore pain in your body for hours. The ache builds when you drag yourself and the tote down the row slowly collecting squash/potatoes/cukes etc. When you eat a potato do you think about the resources mother nature used to make it? Do you think about the love it takes to grow it? Do you think about the pain the farmer endures to harvest it? Do you think about the livelihood you are supporting by valuing it? Just some food for thought.
Now back to granola ;)
You will need:
1 cup oats
1 cup coconut flakes
1/2 cup buckwheat groats
1/4 cup almonds
1/4 cashews
1/4 other type of nut you have on hand
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup hemp seeds
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1/4 poppy seeds
2 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 tbs fennel seeds
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cardamon
1/4 tsp clove
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 orange (zest & juice)
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup ghee
1 tsp vanilla
Let's preheat the oven baby!! 350 degrees F, please.
Grab a large bowl and your favorite rubber spatula. Combine the oats, buckwheat groats, seeds, nuts, coconut, spices, orange zest, salt, and pepper. Melt the ghee**, and add it to the dry mixture along with the juice of an orange, vanilla extract, and the maple syrup. Spread the mixture evenly on two sheet pans lined with parchment. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes or until everything is golden in color, making sure to stir the granola every 5 minutes.
Just look at those glittering almonds!!
A little seedy, datey, yogurty, appley close up.
Deviating from the original recipe is fun and really easy. I swap different extracts/flavorings in for the vanilla i.e. rosewater, almond, orange blossom. I also change up the spices to match. Once I added cooked pureed beetroot. Lavender buds are wonderful as well. Just stick to a theme and be creative!!
**To make ghee, add 1lb of butter to a medium saucepan. Melt and cook butter on medium until it foams and the dairy solids burn on the bottom of the pan. Strain through a cheesecloth and store in a jar at room temperature.
P.S. ghee is so so so yummy in everything. Make chicken, rice, cookies, really ANYTHING with it. I made ghee snickerdoodles over the holidays and they were fab.
Much love,